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The ⓉⓅ Tales Public! Manifesto

 The ⓉⓅ Tales Public! Manifesto (link para o arquivo)

The authors of the Tales Public! Project, through this manifesto, want to share their beliefs with the world (and could not be otherwise!).

We firmly believe that all knowledge should be proclaimed heritage of the humanity and as such free, unrestricted and free access to all human beings without any discrimination between them.        
We believe that all humanity forms a single family around this planet – a pale blue dot floating wandering the cosmic vastness.

Rather than dedicate all available resources on Earth to create and maintain artificial divisions on our planet, irrationally separating us from each other ... rather than fight against each other ... instead of exploring each other. .. Instead of taking another, be either unknown or different, as our potential opponent ... We should act collaboratively with global goals (instead of “parochial” ones). We should abandon the old competitive way, discriminatory and mean to act.

We should extend the concept of “private property” to “global property”, “property of the humanity”, “property of all”. We should learn to think and act “globally” – because we are indeed all interconnected – and not individually, as if we were all separated from each other. One should say “your problems ARE my problems, and OUR problem IS the problem of humanity.”

We should recognize the old monetary system as absurd and demeaning for the good and the progress of the humanity. Should we turn that thing we call money – which cast down completely and insanely our lives – to what it really is – a huge lot of colorful pieces of paper.

Instead of creating artificial and unnecessary troubles for ourselves, we should act as a single cohesive body, considering all the people as ourselves extensions, working together for the good of all, and thus much more effectively would act to overall progress of the humanity, and this way we’ll certainly fill our lives with a real will to exist and live and – why not? – a true happiness.

ⓉⓅ The Tales Public!

All Human Knowledge For All Humans.
 ⓉⓅ The Tales Public! Project

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ⓉⓅ Tales Public!        

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